Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day One

After 2 years of waiting somewhat patiently, I have finally made it to the Peace Corps Staging Event here in Philly! Our training begins at 12 today and lasts until 7. Our schedule is as follows:
12:30: Registration - Official Registration as a Peace Corps Trainee - tun in forms
2-4:25: Who We Are;  Whats expected of you
4:25-4:45: Break
4:45-7: What You Expect, What's Next, Closing.

6:30am: Check out of Hotel
7am: Bus arrives, load luggage
7:30: Depart for Clinic appt.
9:30: Return to hotel and load bus; depart for New York JFK Airport
6:30pm Flight to Burkina Faso

8:05am: Arrive in Brussels
11:30am: Depart for Ouagadougou (pronounced Wa-ga-doo-goo)

Then the adventure begins.

I will post more later, but for now I am pretty beat from staying up almost all night packing. Thanks for all your well wishes, I miss all of you already!


  1. Dear Katie,

    You are an incredible young woman! Amy and I will be feeling your presence in New York tomorrow when you are at JFK. Have a safe and amazing trip. I will look forward to following you on your adventure!

    Love, Barbara

  2. I am so excited for you and so proud of you! I will be thinking about you. you are amazing!

    Love - Ellen

  3. Miss you so much! We love you and hope you have a great adventure. May God be with you.

    Love the FAM!!

  4. I'm so excited for you, this adventure will show you that you are capable of anything!!! Many blessings! The Mahers

  5. You have finally arrived to Burkina Faso! Hope the flight was good and you are ready for this wonderful adventure.
    You are in my prayers throughout the day and night. Take lots of pictures, soak in some sunshine and ejoy the beautiful African sky at night. Love you so much, Mom

  6. I'm so excited for you Katie!!! This is a great accomplishment and you should be proud! God's speed...i love you.
    P.S. This is perfect for my kids and I to learn about the climate and regions in Africa!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Katie,
    It was wonderful to Skype with you on Sat. We were all pleased that you were so upbeat and enthusiastic about your country. I know the poverty, bugs, food and culture will take time to get used to but, I know you will do well. I continue to pray daily for you and the people there. I will send a care package this week with some of the things you mentioned. We are all axiously awaiting to hear more about your adventures and the family you are staying with in Burkina Faso. Bonsoir, Mom

  9. Katie,
    All the people in Faith and Fellowship asked prayers for you last night. Our topic was responsibility and how we are called to serve others in need. You are the perfect expample of this! God be with you each step of the way. You may want to ask Him to keep those pesty bugs and critters away from your hut.
    Mo made incredible chili last and reminded me that you might want some spices to make a chili with ingredients you have around there. Let me know.
    Love, Mom

  10. J'espere tous bien

  11. Katie:

    I finally figured out how to sign on!!! I am thinking of you and all the changes you are experiencing. Change is a part of all of life, it is just different for now. Take care of yourself and know I am thinking of you...will be actually sending a letter...we'll see how long it takes to get to you. If I were to send some money how would I do it?


    Aunt Peggy

  12. Hey girl!!

    How are you?? I miss you lots and hope that you are doing well. I was so glad to hear that you made it I want to send you a care package. What do you need/want??

    You are in my thoughts always.

    Love you, Amy :) xoxo

  13. Hey...i want you to know how proud i am of you! To see you step out into the world to do such great things is a testament of how wonderful you are. Listen,learn,love and grow in the grandness of creation and culture.
